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JA Titan Business Challenge Mentor - Wisconsin

Help students run a business

What is JA Titan Business Challenge?

The stakes are high as student teams compete to navigate running a simulated company in the mobile phone industry. Their company’s success depends on decisions about production, pricing, marketing, research and development (R&D), and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The competition introduces economic and management decision-making skills using critical thinking, strategy development, and teamwork. Win or lose, the JA Titan Business Challenge provides an understanding of how management decisions affect a company’s bottom line.

What Do Volunteers Do?  

As a volunteer mentor, you'll help guide students through the simulation, assist with the decision-making process and keep them on time and on task.

What Is My Time Commitment?

Usually 4.5 hours. Volunteers arrive at the location around 8:00 a.m. and are done around 12:30 p.m.

A Whole New Titan

Over the past several years, JA Titan has undergone an extensive redevelopment, right down to the processors. This year JA of Wisconsin is thrilled to announce all JA Business Challenges will be using this newly developed JA Titan simulation!


Volunteer Delivery Method I'm Interested In   
Grade Level I'd Like To Teach   

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